Sign-up for Game Night & Potluck
Join Ridgefield CT Pride for an LGBTQ+ Game Night & Pot Luck from 7-9pm on the 4th Monday of the month for Jan & Feb then the 3rd Thursday of the month for March – December.. This is a great opportunity to relax, play some games, mingle, nosh and meet other members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies. This is a free event. Feel free to bring some munchies or non-alcoholic beverages to share. We will have various games, but feel free to bring your own as well. Sign-up here. Location will be sent out prior to the event. For more information email
January 27th (4th Monday)
February 24th (4th Monday)
March 20th (3rd Thursday
April 17th (3rd Thursday)
May 15th (3rd Thursday)
June 19th (3rd Thursday)