Check out the Pride Progress Crosswalk for yourself at the intersection of East Ridge Road & Governor Street

Take a picture of yourself on the Pride Progress Crosswalk, send it to us at and we’d be happy to post it!

Help support the Pride Crosswalk and other Pride initiatives by donating to Ridgefield CT Pride.  Any amount helps. Click HERE to donate.


Pride Crosswalk Installed in Ridgefield | Student News (Fox61 Student News 12/29/23)

Ridgefield police commission approves Pride crosswalk for driveway, not road; it’s ‘a start’ (Ridgefield Press, 9/21/23)

LGBTQ youth advocate for Pride crosswalk in Ridgefield after safety concerns squashed plan (Ridgefield Press, 9/8/23)

 Ridgefield CT Pride forced to postpone painting LGBTQ+ crosswalk due to safety, regulation concerns (Ridgefield Press 7/27/23)


WALK THE TALK   by Barb Jennes, Ridgefield Poet Laureate Emerita

Celebrating the Ridgefield Pride Crosswalk dedication, Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023

Today we walk across a rainbow,

a bridge over troubled water,

a keyboard tuned to the key of love.

It is made of more than paint and grit:

the blood of Stonewall rioters infuses

the red, the dawn of a new day

brightens the yellow and orange.

Touch the green and you’ll feel healing;

amble over blue and you’ll be doused

with a sea of hard-won serenity.

The purple is infused with the spirit

of pride, ripe-to-bursting as a plum.

Feel the embrace of beloved skin on

the brown and black stripes—no one

left behind as we walk the path of inclusion.

And as you cross from pink to blue

or blue to pink, sense your rebirth

as the person you were born to be.

This crosswalk aroused a lot of crosstalk—

precipitated hate until many felt assailed.

But courage and humanity prevailed.

We are, after all, a community where

all are invited,

all are welcome,

all are esteemed,

all are rejoiced,

and all can bear witness

as we walk the talk

of compassion today.


Board of Selectmen voted 4-1 in support of a Pride Crosswalk!

 Thank you to all of you who came out to speak or who wrote letters.  You are amazing!!!!!
Watch the video of the 9/6/2023 Board of Selectmen meeting where Ridgefield CT Pride presented the Pride Crosswalk project.  The video starts at almost the 2 min mark. After comments, the presentation starts at about 1:23.00 and ends around 1:59.00.
Bob Hebert voted NO on the Pride Crosswalk.
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