If you or your business would like to help ensure that Ridgefield Pride in the Park is an annual event, please consider becoming a sponsor. We have several sponsorship levels available to find the right option for your business. Contributions of goods and/or services, as well as monetary donations, are also welcome and appreciated at any time – please see sponsor registration form for details. – May 20th is the last day to register to table at Pride in the Park.
- Choose the sponsorship option that works for you.
- Complete the registration form also located at the bottom of this page.
- Click this sponsorship donation link or the DONATE button above to make your sponsorship donation. In the “company” field, after your company’s name please write “Pride in the Park Sponsorship.” (Donations are managed by “Friends of Ridgefield Community Programs”).
Sponsorship Levels:
$50 Bronze Sponsorship
- Link on our website sponsorship page
- Thank you on poster at event
$100 Silver Sponsorship: Exhibitor
- Bronze level benefits PLUS:
- Individual “Thank you Sponsor” yard sign
- Social media shoutout
- Exhibitor table at the event (YOU provide table, materials, and staff)
$150 Gold Sponsorship: Exhibitor Plus
- Silver level benefits PLUS:
- Exhibitor table provided (upon request)
- Pride flag (upon request)
- Your materials offered at our sponsor table
$500++ Platinum Sponsorship
- Gold level benefits PLUS:
- Premium Exhibitor table location
- Company sign or banner on gazebo (must register by May 1)
- Emcee shout out during the event
Contact us at info@ridgefieldctpride.com if you have questions